The EFP thanks Dentaid for its support and its unrestricted grant

Perio & Cardio overview
A collaboration between the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and the World Heart Federation (WHF), the Perio & Cardio campaign promotes awareness of the important links between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases explaining how these two diseases can be fought together. It provides specific guidelines for oral-health professionals, medical professionals and pharmacists, and patients and the public.
Both periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases are common, widely spread, chronic non-communicable diseases, whose prevalence increases with age. There is scientific evidence of associations between the two forms of disease and periodontitis is associated with an increased risk of acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and stroke.
There are common lifestyle factors that aggravate both periodontitis and cardiovascular disease – such as smoking, stress, obesity, diabetes, and an unhealthy diet. The early diagnosis, prevention, and co-management (by dentists and physicians) of both CVD and periodontitis are of the utmost importance.
The Perio & Cardio project has been created from evidence-based science and the conclusions of the Perio-Cardio Workshop held by the EFP and the World Heart Federation, in partnership with Dentaid, in Madrid in February 2019.
The EFP thanks Dentaid for its unrestricted grant, that has made possible the Perio & Cardio campaign possible.
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Scientific report
There is strong epidemiological evidence that periodontitis increases the risk of future atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, according to the consensus report of the Perio-Cardio Workshop, an expert meeting held in February 2019 and organised jointly by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and the World Heart Federation (WHF). This consensus report – originally published in the EFP’s Journal of Clinical Periodontology and the WHF’s Global Heart in February 2020 – forms the basis of the recommendations of the Perio & Cardio campaign.
Meet the Perio & Cardio experts
For media
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