2 June 2014
X Workshop Analysis "Removes Noise From Research" - Maurizio Tonetti, Editor-In-Chief, JCP

Now online and with free access in a special supplement of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology : Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Periodontology.
This key supplement published in April 2014 by the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (JCP) delivers the full conclusions of working groups who reviewed research in the 10th European Workshop's designated field of Periodontal Plastic Surgery and Soft Tissue Regeneration.
Co-organised with Osteology Foundation and funded by an educational grant from Geistlich, the focus of this X EFP European Workshop in Periodontology (Spain, November 2013) was on analysing the most up-to-date aesthetic dentistry findings in order to aid decision-making in clinical and surgical practice.
According to editor-in-chief of the JCP, Maurizio Tonetti (also one of the Workshop working group chairmen), the rigorous Workshop review system "is critical because it removes the noise from the research - the rigorous process indicates that there are two ways that are well supported and that out of a dozen different additions two are really useful, bringing us powerful indications on what to do and what to stop doing."
Professor Tonetti pointed to one particular Workshop conclusion as outstanding in terms of scientific advancement in dentistry: "The ability to move towards coverage of multiple recessions with a single surgery."
The full reports on the proceedings of the Workshop are downloadable from the JCP here in a number of formats, including a new enhanced HTML version.
To download the conclusions from the previous years 9th European Workshop in Peridontology - Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases, click here.
The Journal of Clinical Periodontology is the EFP's flagship scientific publication and its rigour is independently assessed by the ISI (Institute for Scientific Information). JCP editor-in-chief Tonetti is proud to be steering "the most widely available scientific dental journal".
"The impact of a journal is measured by how many times the papers published are cited in independent articles in the following two years. Personally, having achieved and maintained high ranking, I am now more focussed on making sure that the Journal is available to every dentist around the world" stated Prof. Tonetti.