Graduate Program in Periodontology, Hebrew University Medical Center Jerusalem

The programme enables the successful post graduate student to practice Periodontics and Oral Implants therapy at the specialist level and to pass the Israeli National Board Examination for speciality recognition in Periodontology as well as the EFP certification exam. The graduate program in Periodontology at the Faculty of Dental Medicine of Hadassah- Hebrew University Medical Center has been accredited by the EFP in 2004.

The vision of the Department of Periodontology is:

  1. To teach periodontology and implant dentistry to students, residents and general dentists, each for his level of treatment. 
  2. To treat patients with gum diseases and/or missing teeth -  with cutting edge technology.
  3. To perform high quality basic and clinical research.

The staff of the department includes twelve certified periodontists, eight residents, three dental hygienists and six dental assistants. All the medical staff is involved in teaching of undergraduate students in their three clinical years, in theoretical courses and in the student clinic.

During the 3-year course, each student will carry out a research project. The project could be either in basic sciences related to Periodontology or a clinical research project. During the first year of the program, the students will be exposed to the research projects going on in the department. By the end of the first year, they will have had to choose a mentor and to present a research proposal to the programme director. The project has to be completed and a written report presented to the director prior to the student graduation. The student will be asked to present their findings to the department in the form of a seminar.

Programme director: Prof. Asaf Wilensky

Programme coordinator and Department Chair: Prof. Lior Shapira

Address: Department of Periodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine ,PO Box 91120
