9 June 2018
Croatia: Public events and focus on oral health in pregnancy
Categories:National Activities, Gum Health Day
For European Gum Health Day 2018, the Croatian Society of Periodontology organised public events in the cities of Rijeka, Split, and Zagreb, where periodontists and dental students handed out information about gum health in busy pedestrian areas.
Material distributed included translated leaflets and graphics from the Oral Health & Pregnancy project launched last year by the EFP in partnership with Oral-B.
The society also distributed these materials, together with the EFP dossier on periodontal disease, in clinical periodontology units and dental schools in the same three cities.
In addition, it held a workshop for periodontists and dentists on the importance of preventing gum disease, correct diagnosis, and treatment, which was given by Darko Božić (president of the Croatian Society of Periodontology and the EFP’s webmaster) and Filippo Graziani (EFP president-elect).
The society also gained significant media coverage for its activities, taking part in a two television programmes and one radio broadcast about periodontal health, its importance during pregnancy, and European Gum Health Day.
Material related to the awareness day was also distributed via the society’s website and Facebook page.