After the success of Perio Master Clinic 2019 in Hong Kong, attention now turns to preparations for the next edition of the EFP’s showcase event for clinicians, which takes place in Dublin in March 2020.
The scientific programme for Perio Master Clinic 2020 has now been finalised and offers an attractive line-up of master clinicians who will share their expertise with an international audience of periodontists and dentists eager to update their knowledge.
The Dublin master clinic, organised by the EFP in conjunction with the Irish Society of Periodontology, will focus on current and future challenges in hard- and soft-tissue aesthetic reconstructions around teeth and implants.
The scientific programme has been put together by Anton Sculean, EFP president for 2018-19. It features sessions on reconstructive concepts in relation to all types of bony defects, socket grafting, ridge augmentation, soft-tissue grafting to maintain peri-implant health, and the management of complications after reconstructive surgery around teeth and implants.
Speakers include Daniel Buser, Pierpaolo Cortellini, Markus Hürzeler, Kevin Murphy, Giulio Rasperini, Mario Roccuzzo, Leonardo Trombelli, Istvan Urban, and Giovanni Zuchelli.
Congress chair Declan Corcoran said that the programme would allow participants to “witness all aspects of regeneration and plastic aesthetic surgery under one roof, with a significant emphasis on clinical cases illustrated by high-quality video presentations followed by challenging discussions on the presented topics.”
Perio Master Clinic 2020 takes place at the Royal Dublin Society on March 6 and 7. Online registration for the event is due to open in August.