The EFP has two new partners to help support its work in promoting periodontal health to the public and policymakers, as it seeks to put into practice its strategic vision of “periodontal health for a better life.”
Geistlich Pharma and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have both signed three-year agreements with the EFP covering the period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020.
The partnership agreements include preferred treatment and booking rights at EuroPerio9 and other EFP events.
Geistlich Pharma is a Swiss company that specialises in biomaterials for bone, cartilage, and tissue regeneration. Its products are widely used by periodontists in bone-regeneration surgery.
GSK is a British pharmaceutical company whose consumer products in the dental area include Sensodyne and Aquafresh toothpaste, and Corsodyl mouthwash.
Iain Chapple, EFP secretary general, said: “The partnering with GSK and Geistlich is a fantastic opportunity for both the EFP and the oral-healthcare industry. We share common goals and visions but approach them from very different directions. Fortunately, we converge on what matters the most – what is best for patients.
“Both companies are extremely ethical with the highest standards, and I am sure they will be aligned with our new code of conduct and that we will all be more effective for our patients and the public by joining forces.”
Geistlich and GSK take the total number of EFP partners to seven, joining Colgate, Dentaid, Johnson & Johnson, Oral-B, and Sunstar.
The EFP has recently started to create specific projects with its partners on key issues related to periodontology. In September 2016, the Oral Health and Pregnancy project, supported by Oral-B, was launched, followed earlier this month by the Colgate-backed Perio & Caries initiative.
Projects with other partners are being discussed and at least one additional initiative is expected to be launched during 2018.
“A partnership with these two renowned companies in the dental industry presents an opportunity for both sides to develop target-oriented projects of common interest,” said Gernot Wimmer, EFP president.
“As seen in our previous successful co-operations, these lead to practical results for different target audiences. Examples of such results include projects such as Oral Health and Pregnancy, and Perio & Caries. I am confident that we will create successful partnership projects with Geistlich Pharma and GlaxoSmithKline.”