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8 June 2018

Greece: TV interviews and actions in shopping areas and school

Categories:National Activities, Gum Health Day

Greece: TV interviews and actions in shopping areas and school

The Hellenic Society of Periodontology launched a public-awareness campaign on the importance of healthy gums to coincide with European Gum Health Day.

The campaign featured kiosks in shopping malls and streets in Athens and Thessaloniki, from which information about gum health was provided to the public.

Spyros Vasilopoulos, the society’s EFP delegate, visited a school in Athens to explain the importance of gum health and good oral hygiene to children of various ages.

National television channel EPT1 carried interviews with Phoebus Madianos (president of the Hellenic Society of Periodontology and a past president of the EFP), Petros Damoulis (a past president of the society), and Spyros Vasilopoulos.

The society also included a video and photographs about European Gum Health Day on its website and on its Facebook page.