5 June 2018
Mariano Sanz gives keynote lecture at Czech perio society event
Category:National Activities

The Czech Society of Periodontology recently held a two-day meeting, under the name Periodontology Days, in the mountain resort town of Špindlerův Mlýn.
In addition to presentations from leading Czech periodontal experts, there was a keynote lecture from Mariano Sanz, chair of the EFP Workshop committee and professor of periodontology at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain).
Prof Sanz lectured on periodontal plastic surgery, explaining different techniques for tackling the problem of gingival recessions. He provided step-by-step guidance to different surgical approaches – including coronally advanced flap, laterally advanced flap, the envelope method, tunnelling techniques, and grafts – explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each method.
Other presentations over the course of the two-day event included:
- Gabriela Dostálová, who spoke about what the dentist can expect from the cardiologist, explaining therapeutic approaches in cardiology and the appropriate procedures for preparing at-risk patients before dental and periodontal surgery.
- Michal Kania, who addressed co-operation between the dentist and the oral hygienist, a topic also covered by Martin Starosta (Olomouc) who focused on the status of the dental hygienist within the dental team and the importance in some cases of supervision by a periodontist.
- Martin Tomeček discussed the need to observe correct procedures when inserting implants and performing augmentations, and the importance of mutual co-operation between the implantologist and the laboratory worker responsible for prosthetics.
- Ivo Dřízhal, who covered co-operation between the periodontist and the orthodontist, focusing on some difficult cases.
- Jeroným Klimeš, who spoke about the partner relationship in the office and the need for an unselfish approach to resolving problems.
Nearly 100 people attended the Periodontology Days, which were held on May 18 and 19 at the Hotel Horal Orea in Špindlerův Mlýn. T
The event started with a short silence in memory of the recently deceased Dr Jan Vokurka, a leading young Czech periodontal scientist who was a lecturer at St Anne's University Hospital in Brno and co-author of Atlas of Oral Cavity Mucosa Diseases and Periodontology Disorders. Michal Kania, a member of the board of the Czech Society of Periodontology, described him as an “outstanding man, very valuable professionally and humanly.”
The society’s next Periodontology Days are scheduled to take place in Dolní Morava, Moravia, on October 5 and 6.