14 June 2021
Burden of caries and periodontitis
"Time to put your money where your mouth is: addressing inequalities in oral health" is the EFP-commissioned Economist Impact white paper on how to best manage the burden of periodontitis and caries.
This white paper delves into the escalating burden of periodontitis and caries, highlighting the critical associations between these two diseases, and proposing a unified approach to enhance the population’s oral and systemic health outcomes.
The comprehensive analysis spans six countries - Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Indonesia, and the UK - and the report introduces a novel caries prevention and care cost calculator.
Treatment of preventable gum disease and caries totals 5% of healthcare expenditures worldwide.
Browse and read the white paper.
Explore the infographic on the burden of caries and periodontitis.
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See the EFP-commissioned white paper 'Time to put your money where your mouth is' in visual terms.