The latest news from the EFP as well as details of its forthcoming events and those of its affiliated national societies of periodontology.
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Learn in advance about the conferences and meetings being organised by the EFP's national member societies in the weeks and months ahead.
Learn about Perio Workshop, the EFP’s annual scientific meeting that brings the best periodontal scientists together to reach a new consensus on strategic periodontal issues.
The EuroPerio congress has established itself as the world’s leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry.
The EFP's work in education includes a set of curricular guidelines for undergraduate dental education, a three-year accredited programme for postgraduate education in periodontology, and some continuing education tools for reference and consultation of dental professionals all along their careers. Besides, this area is the home of the 'EFP Alumni' section.
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247 results:
… between the prevalence of bacteraemia and plaque/gingival indices the presence of periodontal pathogens in…
… Periodontology Methods. A validated in vitro subgingival biofilm model with six bacterial species…
… or a bad-smelling mouth, reddening of the gums, gingival retraction and teeth appearing longer, the…
… the levels of LGSI markers in blood, saliva, and gingival crevicular fluid. LGSI has been linked to…
… beneficial effects of PDT on the reduction in gingival inflammation (Andersen et al. 2007; Braun et al.…
… by the department research the buccal muco-gingival line to the mid-crestal line. coordinator (LE): …
… depth; and (iii) no, or a minimal, increase in gingival recession. 2 To achieve a successful periodontal…
… that make the goal of reconstructing the gingival tissues around teeth achievable.” Edwin…
… chronic periodontitis (Armitage, teeth. The subgingival dysbiotic microbiome combined with unfavour- …
… Discussion 12:10 – 13:25 Lunch 13:25 – 15:00 Mucogingival surgery in orthodontically treated patients |…
Search results 31 to 40 of 247