All published issues of JCP Digest are now available in German and all future issues will also be translated, as part of an EFP project to ensure that this publication’s content is more easily accessible to oral-healthcare professionals who are not native speakers of English.
Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese are the other languages involved in this EFP translation initiative.
The German version of JCP Digest — translated by Alexandra Stähli — keeps the same layout, contents and scientific standards as the original English digest. It offers German-speaking clinicians the possibility of reading in their own language the Digest’s valuable concise updates on perio research, extracted from the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (JCP).
You can access the latest JCP Digest issue in German, on retention or replacement of molars with furcation involvement ('Molaren mit Furkationsinvolvierung – erhalten oder ziehen?'), here. To read or download issue 10 of the German JCP Digest, on supportive post-implant therapy ('Erhaltungstherapie nach Implantation'), click here.
Contents of all previous JCP Digest issues are available in German too: issue 9 on subgingival air-polishing with erythritol ('Subgingivale Pulverstrahlbehandlungen mit Erythritol'); issue 8 on coronally advanced flap and connective tissue graft techniques ('Koronaler Verschiebelappen in Kombination mit einem Bindegewebstransplantat').
You can also read or download PDFs of the German versions of JCP Digest issue 7, issue 6, issue 5, issue 4, issue 3, issue 2 and issue 1.
The JCP Digest is coordinated by Iain Chapple in cooperation with Maurizio Tonetti, editor-in-chief of the JCP.