25 April 2023
EFP Graduate Research Prize winners announced
Categories:Clinical Practice, Institutional

The EFP is pleased to announce the winners of the Graduate Research Prize 2022. This award seeks to promote original graduate research in EFP approved programmes. It is awarded once a year in two categories: clinical research and preclinical/basic research. It is open to all students of EFP accredited graduate programmes in periodontology.
In pre-clinical and basic research, the first prize was awarded to the study on Excessive inflammatory response to infection in experimental peri-implantitis: Resolution by Resolvin D2 by Oded Heyman et al., from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel and published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.
The second prize in this category went to research on the Antibacterial Effect of Functionalized Polymeric Nanoparticles on Titanium Surfaces Using an In Vitro Subgingival Biofilm model by Jaime Bueno et al., from University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, and published in Polymers.
In the clinical research category, first prize was won by the study on Non-surgical mechanical therapy of peri-implantitis with or without repeated adjunctive diode laser application. A 6-month double-blinded randomized clinical trial by Andrea Roccuzzo et al., of the University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, and published in Clinical Oral Implant Research.
The second prize was awarded to Eran Gabay et al., from the Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel, for research on the Histological and dimensional changes of the alveolar ridge following tooth extraction when using collagen matrix and collagen-embedded xenogenic bone substitute: A randomized clinical trial, published in Clinic Implant Dentistry and Related Research.
The jury was composed by Andreas Stavropoulos (chair of the scientific affairs committee and past president of the EFP), Nikolaos Donos (chair of the postgraduate education committee), Ioannis Polyzois (deputy of the scientific affairs committee), and James Deschner (member of the scientific affairs committee).
“The panel was impressed by the high standard of the studies conducted within the framework of the EFP accredited postgraduate programmes. The EFP is proud to support the research of postgraduate students, not only because it contributes to advancing our field, but also because these students are the future of our federation,” declared Andreas Stavropoulos.
Research submitted for the prize must have been published in print between January and December of the year preceding the presentation of the award, in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology or in another English-language international peer reviewed scientific journal. Winners receive €1.000 for the 1st prize, €750 for the 2nd prize and €500 for the 3rd prize, together with a certificate of award.